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    Dear, Host famiy.
    My name is Shohjahon. In this letter I would like to describe myself. Firstly I want to say that living and working in so beautiful country like Deutchland was always my dream. And I want to thank people who will help me to achieve my dream.
    About my family. My family is typical and small Uzbek family. There are my parents, younger brother and a little sister. My father works in the tax office. And my mother is housewife. they are nice and easy going people, and we always have when we talk together. My younger brother is 17 years old. Now he studies "Automobile College". We understand each other and he is always ready to give a hand to me when necessary. And my little sister is a diamond of our family , she is so sweet. she is 7 years old. she goes to school. We always have fun after our studying. Members of my family always find time for family.Now I want to talk about my personality. I am a creative and ambitious young ma, who always thinks about his future. My friends say that I have a good sense of humor. One of my best characteristics is my tolerance. Nowadays it is very important to be tolerant beacuse there are many different countries and traditions. I am interestewd in history and еру law. In my teen ages I, beside my younger sister, had three nephews, who I had to take care while their parents were at job. we always have a great time with playing different games. However, I got responsibilities to watch carefully for them. Fortunately, while I was with children, there was no accident.
    It is a dream of mine to go to Deutchland and with my experience , I can say that I can take care for your child, and help you with house works. Because I love gardening, I can clean, cook and entertain children.
    I hope that I am the right person to take care of your children and I am looking forward to hear good tidings from you soon!

    Sincerely yours.

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